AgeOptions’ New Comprehensive Needs Report

AgeOptions commissioned the University of Illinois Chicago Department of Disability and Human Development to report on the changing demographics of the 50+ population in suburban Cook County in Aging in the Suburbs, A Comprehensive Needs Assessment of County County Suburbs 50+ Population.  An accompanying demographic analysis website was commissioned from Rob Paral and Associates.

See the findings here:

AgeOptions thanks Rob Paral, the researchers, community-based organizations, houses of worship, community groups, and general members of the population who participated in the research by completing surveys and attending focus groups. Because of your participation, we are in a better position to plan for the future and meet our population’s needs.

This publication is prepared and printed in part with federal Older Americans Act, State of Illinois General Revenue, and funds from the Michael Reese Health Trust. The Illinois Department on Aging and U.S. Administration on Aging are recognized for their support of AgeOptions. Neither is responsible for the content of this publication.

POLCO Survey

It was determined that a weakness in the Community Needs Assessment results was found in participants representing non-English speaking and those representing the ethnic diversity of suburban Cook County.  As such, AgeOptions reached out to POLCO, a mission-driven organization dedicated to building strong communities through representative surveying.  Using census track data, POLCO can identify individual households in which to target.

Beginning in April 2024, POLCO is sending out postcards and surveys to 59,786 households of which 26,000 will be random and 33,786 to our targeted groups whose primary languages are Spanish, Polish, Hindi, Tagalog, Arabic, Russian, Korean, and Chinese.  The survey is quite comprehensive, covering seven (7) pages of questions.  The data and analysis which is anticipated to be complete before the end of FY 24 will be used to impact current and future planning, particularly with outreach, engagement, and education.

Take the survey.


Posted on June 27, 2023

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